Write Your Book

How many times have you said,

“I have this book inside me I want to write”..?

Ms Bella St John has personal experience and success in writing and self-publishing in, as well as coaching countless people through the entire process – and if you are truly ready to stop talking about writing your book, and want to actually start writing it, send us an email with the details and we will get back to you.

Q:  Why is writing a book and becoming a best-selling author important?

…apart from the fact that it feels AWESOME to see your book right there on the screen on the world’s largest bookstore as a best-seller..!

Imagine you need to see a Chiropractor.  Would you rather go to a general Chiropractor – or one who had written a best-selling book on chiropractic methods?

Imagine you want to do a book signing tour.  Bookstores will be much more receptive to a best-selling author than someone who has simply self-published.

Imagine you are a Conference Organizer looking for a Speaker for your next event.  I’m guessing you would rather choose a Speaker who had written a best-selling book!

Imagine you want to send a pitch to be on a talk-show.  While there is never a guarantee that they will even look at your pitch, Producers are more likely to consider someone who is a best-selling author than someone who simply published a book.

…and in many cases, people even feel comfortable paying MORE to someone who has already shown their expertise by becoming a best-selling author.

Being a published author in and of itself lends great credibility to any writer – but reaching that status of a best-seller puts you well above the rest of your field.

What you do with your new status as a Best-Selling Author is up to you – we had one client who was able to almost double their speaking fees after their book had reached the rank of a best-seller on Amazon…

…AND, even though books go up and down afterward in the rankings, they will ALWAYS have the screenshot of their book reaching a best-seller status on Amazon to be able to use in their marketing and advertising.

That is powerful marketing collateral for anyone in business!

Q:  Have you already written and/or self-published your book?

  • If NO, NOT YET, please keep reading to review the three options


We help you write it!


We write it for you!


You go it alone…


We coach you through the entire process of writing and self-publishing your book, meeting weekly, and making sure we are there with you every step of the way.


Minimum 3 months


We interview you for the topic, then use a combination of AI and experienced ghost writers to take that information, turn it into the manuscript for your book.  We then coach you step by step through the process of making that content ‘your own’.


Minimum 3 months



…that sound you hear is silence,

not even the sound of crickets chirping…


When you consider the quote above by Dr Maraboli (and I think he was paraphrasing Les Brown), reflect on how many times you have wanted to write your book, maybe even started writing your book, but you never finished it. Think about how many lives could be impacted by your words, your thoughts, if only you finished writing your book. Think of the ways you could use your book to promote your business, or your mission in life – if only you had finished writing it.

These dreams and more can come true – sometimes it just takes a coach who has been there and done it to help guide you, keep you on track and accountable, and provide a proven step-by-step process to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

Working With Us

If you would like to discuss the possibility of working with Ms St John to help you through the process of writing and self-publishing your book, please email us.

In the end, there is only one question you need to ask yourself about whether you decide to engage the services of a professional coach:

Will my future self thank me for the choices I do or do not make today?