Etiquette & Personal Branding

Welcome to Etiquette & Personal Branding

Elevate Your Personal and Professional Life with Expert Etiquette and Personal Branding Coaching, Training, and Consulting

While it may seem outdated to some, mastering the art of etiquette is essential for achieving success in both personal and professional arenas. Whether you’re an executive, a student, or someone looking to refine your social skills, our comprehensive programs are designed to help you thrive.

Why Combine Etiquette and Personal Branding?

Both elements are foundational to creating a positive, lasting impression and fostering successful relationships, whether personal or professional.

Etiquette provides the framework for respectful and considerate behavior, guiding how we interact with others in various settings. It encompasses everything from dining manners to professional communication, ensuring that our actions are perceived as polished and respectful.

Personal branding, on the other hand, is about defining and communicating our unique value and identity. It shapes how we are perceived by others, influencing opportunities and relationships.

This effective combination shows that an individual not only values their own identity but also respects and values others, which is crucial for building trust and credibility. This synergy is particularly important in a digital world, where personal interactions often cross geographic, cultural, and social boundaries​.

Why Choose Ms Bella St John?

Ms Bella St John brings a wealth of experience and a passion for excellence to her etiquette training programs. Known for her sophisticated approach and attention to detail, Bella has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve their highest potential through the power of proper etiquette.

She has coached politicians, executives, and even high-school students to be comfortable with the art of etiquette; and even accompanied international government trade delegations, coaching them on the finer points of etiquette and cultural sensitivities. Bella’s unique blend of traditional and modern practices ensures that you receive relevant, actionable advice tailored to today’s dynamic environments.

Bella also has etiquette in her blood.  She is directly related to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, HRH King Charles III of England, and can trace her direct ancestral lineage all the way back to Charlemagne (Charlemagne was King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774, and Emperor of what is now known as the Carolingian Empire from 800).

Add to those the fact that Bella basically lives and breathes what she calls, ‘relaxed elegance’ – she writes with a gold fountain pen, seals her hand-written letters with her own personalized wax seal, and is experienced with the world of private flights and black tie events (even hosting several).

“My intention is to make sure everyone feels comfortable in any situation, from a beer garden to a royal garden party, and everything in between.”  

~ Ms Bella St John

  • Foundational Etiquette

    • Basic Principles
      • Understand the foundational elements of good etiquette and how it can influence your success.
    • Business vs. Social Etiquette
      • Learn the key differences and navigate both realms with confidence and poise.

    First Impressions and Introductions

    • First Impressions
      • Master the skills to make a lasting, positive first impression in any setting.
    • Introductions and Greetings
      • Handle introductions and greetings with professionalism and ease.

    Dining and Entertaining

    • Dining Etiquette
      • Discover the essential rules of dining, from table settings to graceful conversation.
    • Table Manners and Entertaining
      • Conduct yourself impeccably as a host or guest at formal dinners and parties.

    Communication Skills

    • Communication
      • Perfect your email, phone, and online communication to ensure clarity and courtesy.
    • Public Speaking and Presentations
      • Deliver impactful presentations with key etiquette tips.
    • Networking and Conversations
      • Enhance your small talk and networking skills to build meaningful connections.

    Professional Etiquette

    • Workplace Etiquette
      • Avoid common mistakes and foster a respectful, productive work environment.
    • Meetings and Events
      • Host and attend meetings and events with confidence and professionalism.
    • Team and Collaborative Etiquette
      • Work effectively and courteously within a team.
    • Customer Service Etiquette
      • Maintain high standards of etiquette in customer service roles.

    Respect and Consideration

    • Respect and Consideration
      • Show respect and consideration in all interactions, building strong relationships.
    • Gift Giving
      • Follow the guidelines for giving and receiving gifts appropriately.

    Handling Situations and Conflict

    • Handling Difficult Situations
      • Manage challenging situations with grace and tact.
    • Conflict Resolution
      • Resolve conflicts in the workplace with proper etiquette.

    Personal Development

    • Personal and Professional Growth
      • Continuously improve your etiquette skills for ongoing personal and professional development.

    Digital and Cultural Etiquette

    • Digital Etiquette
      • Maintain professionalism in virtual meetings and online interactions.
    • Cultural Differences
      • Navigate cultural nuances with confidence, whether traveling or working internationally.

    Appearance and Dress Code

    • Dress Code
      • Dress appropriately for various occasions to convey the right message.

    Special Situations

    • Travel Etiquette
      • Adhere to proper etiquette while traveling, including private jets and yachts.
    • Etiquette for Interviews
      • Conduct yourself with professionalism before, during, and after job interviews.

    Age-Specific Etiquette

    • Etiquette for University Students
      • Master key etiquette rules for academic and social settings.
    • Etiquette for High School Students
      • Empowering high school students with the skills to navigate social and academic settings with confidence and grace.
    • Etiquette for Children
      • Instilling good manners and respect in children for a foundation of lifelong courtesy and kindness.

Personal Identity

  • Defining Your Unique Value Proposition
    • Identifying and articulating what makes you unique and valuable.
  • Core Values and Mission Statement
    • Establishing the fundamental principles and goals that guide your actions and decisions.

Online Presence

  • Social Media Management
    • Strategies for building and maintaining a professional and cohesive presence on social media platforms.
  • Personal Website and Blog
    • Creating and managing a personal website or blog to showcase your expertise and achievements.

Professional Image

  • Visual Branding
    • Developing a consistent visual identity, including logos, color schemes, and typography.
  • Professional Attire and Appearance
    • Understanding the impact of your appearance on your personal brand and making appropriate choices.


  • Elevator Pitch
    • Crafting a concise and compelling introduction that effectively communicates who you are and what you do.
  • Public Speaking and Presentations
    • Enhancing your ability to convey your message confidently and clearly in front of an audience.


  • Building and Maintaining Relationships
    • Strategies for cultivating meaningful professional relationships and networking effectively.
  • Leveraging Connections
    • Using your network to create opportunities and advance your personal brand.

Content Creation

  • Thought Leadership
    • Establishing yourself as an expert in your field through articles, podcasts, videos, and other content.
  • Consistency and Authenticity
    • Ensuring that your content consistently reflects your personal brand and authentic self.

Reputation Management

  • Monitoring and Managing Online Reputation
    • Techniques for tracking and influencing how you are perceived online.
  • Crisis Management
    • Handling negative feedback or public relations issues in a way that aligns with your brand values.

Career Development

  • Personal Brand Audits
    • Regularly assessing and refining your personal brand to stay relevant and impactful.
  • Goal Setting and Achievement
    • Setting clear career goals and creating a roadmap to achieve them, aligned with your personal brand.

Influence and Impact

  • Building Influence
    • Strategies for expanding your influence within your industry and beyond.
  • Community Engagement
    • Participating in and contributing to communities that align with your personal brand values and goals.

Flexible Learning Options

Our etiquette programs are available in both online on-demand formats and live workshops via video conference. This flexibility allows you to learn at your own pace or engage in interactive sessions that fit your schedule.

Bespoke Programs

Your questions answered….  We can tailor programs specifically to address your questions and situations.

Join Ms Bella St John on a journey to refine your etiquette skills and achieve unparalleled success. Explore our programs today and take the first step toward a more polished, confident you.