Books, Poetry, Short Stories

Please find below just a small selection of my books, poetry, and short stories.

Alchemy of the Heart

In the heart of the ancient city of Elysium, where cobblestone streets stretched seemingly infinitely and weather-worn buildings whispered tales of yore, resided Aleron – a tall, distinguished, albeit somewhat aloof, violinist known for his melancholic compositions.

The townspeople had seen Aleron grow from a curious boy with a penchant for mournful tunes into an artist who painted beautiful yet sorrowful soundscapes on his treasured five-string violin.

One April, as the daffodils began to bloom, a strange sound was heard in the town square.  Aleron was meandering from door to door, shop to shop, his fingers only producing melodic notes found in major scales – for Aleron had met Lisbeth, an elegant, dance-loving creature who brought life and movement to his compositions, and who was soon to become his wife.

The daffodils were to outlive their love-story, for in the August Lisbeth breathed her last, cradled in her husband’s arms, her head resting gently under his chin and against his shoulder – her long, soft auburn curls resting in the same sacred space where his beloved instrument was held day after day.

With Lisbeth’s passing, Elysium’s skies cried for days, as if echoing Aleron’s grief. Lisbeth had been the vibrant melody to Aleron’s solemn chords.  Without her, his world dulled into muted dissonance.

One fog-laden morning, as Aleron ambled through Elysium’s labyrinthine lanes, he chanced upon an old bookstore.  Its façade, weathered by time and draped in ivy, hinted at treasures within.  Inside, amidst the scent of yellowing pages slowly dying, and stories long forgotten, he discovered a tome entitled, “The Perceptive Heart.”

This wasn’t just any book. As Aleron’s fingers traced its spine, it whispered promises of solace – and thus, he began to read.

The book spoke of the magical notion of, ‘perception’ — the ability to see the world not as it is but as it could be. Through the words in this manuscript, Aleron discovered that that grief, while oppressive, also has within it the power to be transformative – a tunnel, at the end of which is an expanse illuminated by understanding and acceptance.

Each evening, Aleron would lose all sense of himself in the book’s pages.  Through its teachings, he began viewing Lisbeth’s loss not as an end but as a transition. She wasn’t gone; she had merely changed form. If he chose to see it as thus, she was there in his every memory.  Every breeze carried a hint of her laughter, every raindrop echoed her dance, and every dawn whispered her love.

Embracing this renewed perception, Aleron embarked on composing his magnum opus.  This wasn’t just any melody, but an aural tapestry interwoven with memories of Lisbeth, her love, their moments.  He named it, “Lisbeth’s Lullaby.”

The day arrived when Elysium’s grand auditorium, bathed in the soft amber glow of candle-lit chandeliers, awaited Aleron’s performance.  As the curtains rose, a palpable hush descended. Aleron, with his five-string violin poised, began playing.

Each note was a tear, each chord a sigh, each crescendo a heartbeat. The audience, rapt, could feel Lisbeth in the melody, pirouetting gracefully.  They felt her presence, her essence, and her love.

As the final note lingered, a profound silence reigned.  The city of Elysium had not just heard a composition; they’d journeyed through Aleron’s heart and soul.

Post-performance, as accolades poured in, a young girl approached Aleron, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.  “Sir,” she began hesitantly, “I lost my mother last month. Your music made me feel she’s still with me, dancing in the wind. Thank you.”

Aleron, with moist eyes and a heart full, realized the power of perception.  Grief had been his crucible, and it had forged him anew.  Through his music, he had transformed his deepest pain into a healing symphony for others.

Years rolled on, and Aleron’s tale became legendary.  “The Perceptive Heart” found a home on the bookshelf of many a dwelling, from grand mansion to simple cabin, its wisdom illuminating countless souls.

And thus, in the annals of Elysium, amidst tales of valiant knights and tragic romances, flourished the legend of a violinist, his symphony, and his perception.  A tale that whispered the power of love, loss, and the alchemy of the heart.